
light quarterly造句


  1. Wallace continued to support similar efforts by Light Quarterly, among others.
  2. He was a joint winner of a 1984 Swallow's Tale Press poetry award, and was the featured poet in the Spring / Summer 2011 issue of " Light Quarterly ".
  3. Cole's whimsical poetry often appeared in " Light Quarterly " and was widely anthologized, as in " The Oxford Book of American Light Verse " and various collections by Willard R . Espy.
  4. Her poetry was widely anthologized, appearing in " The Random House Treasury of Light Verse " and other collections, and she was the featured poet in the Winter 1998 issue of " Light Quarterly ".
  5. Burch's poems, essays, articles, and letters have appeared in publications such as TIME, USA Today, Writer's Digest, Writer's Journal, Writer's Gazette, The Lyric, Light Quarterly, Measure, Poet Lore, The Raintown Review, Trinacria, Ancient Cypress Press, The New Formalist, and hundreds of other literary journals.
  6. It's difficult to find light quarterly in a sentence. 用light quarterly造句挺难的
  7. Chandler's work has appeared in numerous print and online journals and anthologies, including " Able Muse, Alabama Literary Review, American Arts Quarterly, The Centrifugal Eye, Comstock Review, First Things, Iambs and Trochees, Light Quarterly, The Lyric, Measure, M鯾ius, Orbis, Quadrant, The Raintown Review, Texas Poetry Journal " and many others.


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